IEEE Glossary
IEEE Glossary
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Entries starting with: S |
SAMIEEESAMIEEE (Section/Society Access to Membership Information) is a Web based ad hoc query tool that provides volunteers access to member data. It allows ad hoc querying, reporting, and downloading of IEEE's membership data. Access is limited to registered users wth designated or automatic positions. |
SECTIONA Section is a basic operating unit within the IEEE based upon geographical location. The 10 basic Regions of the Institute are divided into local Sections. Upon membership an individual is automatically placed in the particular Section designated by their mailing address. |
SENIOR MEMBERThe grade of Senior Member is the highest for which application may be made and as such requires that applicants possess experience reflecting professional maturity. Candidates must be engineers, scientists, educators, technical executives or originators in IEEE designated fields with at least 10 years of professional experience, 5 of which must display significant performance in that field. Panels consisting of Senior Members and Fellows review all applications for Senior Member and must vote to elect the individual to that grade. |
SOCIETYTo serve the many and varied technical interests of its members the IEEE has within its organization specialized Societies that provide a forum for the exchange of technical information concerning particular disciplines or industries. IEEE members, including student members, may join as many Societies as serve their personal and technical interests. For a current list of IEEE Societies and their abbreviations, see the Glossary of Abbreviations. |
STANDARDSDocuments with mandatory requirements approved by the IEEE Standards Board. |
STANDARDS ASSOCIATION, IEEE (IEEE-SA)The organization under which all IEEE Standards Activities and programs will be carried out. Approved at the end of 1996 by the IEEE Board of Directors, the IEEE-SA was formed to provide a major entity that would offer increased responsiveness to the standards interests of IEEE societies and their representative industries. |
STUDENT BRANCHWithin the IEEE there are Student Branches established in educational institutions throughout the world that provide student members with many opportunities for professional development. |
STUDENT BRANCH AFFINITY GROUPStudent Branches can establish a local unit established by petition to Women in Engineering (WIE) to meet the needs of Student members who share a common non-technical interest. |
STUDENT BRANCH CHAPTERA Student Branch Chapter is a technical sub-unit of a Student Branch constituted by at least a minimum of 12 student members of a Society. |