IEEE Glossary
IEEE Glossary
Browse the glossary using this index
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
Entries starting with: S |
STANDARDSDocuments with mandatory requirements approved by the IEEE Standards Board. |
STANDARDS ASSOCIATION, IEEE (IEEE-SA)The organization under which all IEEE Standards Activities and programs will be carried out. Approved at the end of 1996 by the IEEE Board of Directors, the IEEE-SA was formed to provide a major entity that would offer increased responsiveness to the standards interests of IEEE societies and their representative industries. |
STUDENT BRANCHWithin the IEEE there are Student Branches established in educational institutions throughout the world that provide student members with many opportunities for professional development. |
STUDENT BRANCH AFFINITY GROUPStudent Branches can establish a local unit established by petition to Women in Engineering (WIE) to meet the needs of Student members who share a common non-technical interest. |
STUDENT BRANCH CHAPTERA Student Branch Chapter is a technical sub-unit of a Student Branch constituted by at least a minimum of 12 student members of a Society. |
STUDENT MEMBER GRADEAn IEEE Student member must carry at least 50% of a normal fulltime academic program as a registered undergraduate or graduate student in a regular course of study in IEEE designated fields. Student members pay a reduced rate for membership dues and technical Society fees. |
SUBSECTIONA Subsection is a part of a Section constituted by at least a minimum of 20 members. Like the Section, it provides an arena for members to engage in IEEE activities at the local level. |
Entries starting with: V |
VOTING MEMBERSAll grades of IEEE members except Students and Associates. |
Entries starting with: W |
WIEAcronym for the Women in Engineering Affinity group. |